Equitron Anaerobic Culture Jar

A seamless stainless steel body coupled with SS flange and SS Lid ensures reliability and durability.
A compound gauge (manometer) eliminates guesswork in monitoring cycle process.
A single knob for tightening the lid makes it easy to use.
Seamless stainless steel body, argon welded to a SS flange. Stainless Steel machined lid.
Single Bridge clamp for small Jar (8151) and a three pronged single knob tightening clamp for big Jar (8155).
Semi lucas type indication facility.
SS Rack (Carrier) for 12 x 100 mm Ø plates, with gas pack sachet holder in small Jar (8151).
Cold Catalyst fitted to underside of lid.
Compound Gauge on lid. Two needle valves lid.


Equitron Anaerobic Culture Jar – Polycarbonate

A strong moulded and transparent jar, makes it ideal for critical tests requiring visual in process monitoring.
A compound gauge (manometer) eliminates guesswork in monitoring cycle process.
Transparent, strong and durable moulded jar.
Aluminium cast lid, heat cured epoxy coated with a bridge clamp for easy tightening.
SS Carrier can accommodate twelve petri dishes of 100 mm Ø plates, with gas pack sachet holder.
Cold Catalyst fitted to underside of lid. Compound Gauge on lid. Two needle valves on lid. Safety valve on lid.
Bridge clamp with tightening screw.
