Code  BOTANY CHARTS                                   Code
217 Apocynaceae 59 Plant Cell Mitosis
186 Arecaceae 91  Plant Kingdom
183 Arecaceae 26 Plant Tissue
212 Bio Diversity in Plants 27 Plant Physiology Expt.-2
213  Bryophyte, Pteridophyte, Spermatophyte 62 Plant Respiration
100  Calvin cycle 123 Plant Tissue
214  Cell Organelles 63 Photo Synthesis Light & Dark Reaction
215  Cell wall & Cell Membrane 75 Photosynthesis in Plants
102  Chloroplast & Mitochondrion 61 Photosynthesis &
72  Classification of fruits Photophosphorylation
48  Dicot Leaf 169 Pollination
49  Dicot Root 89 Root Modification
50  Dicot Stem 184 Rubiaceae
117  Di hybrid cross 54 Solanaceae
73 Dispersal of seeds & fruits 88 Stem Modification
53  Euphorbiaceae 64 Tissue Culture
185  Fabaceae 84 Types of Inflorescence
21  Flower C.S 126 Types of Plants
60  Germination of seed 004 Vegetative Propagation in Plants
160  Homologous / Analogous in plants
92  Hydra
216  Hydrophytes, Mesophytes, Xerophytes GENERAL CHARTS.
101  Hath slack pathway 13 Acid Rain
219   Leaf Anatomy 15 Air Pollution
74  Leaf modification 190 Atmosphere
199  L.H.of Moss & Fern 71 Birds, Beak & Feet
55  Liliaceae 23 Computer peripherals
56  Malvaceae 25 Eclipse & Season
119  Monocot Leaf 10 Food Chain
51  Monocot Root 14 Green House Effect
52  Monocot Stem 192 Layers of Soil
116  Monohybrid Cross 16 Noise Pollution
118  Musaceae 195 Rain water Harvesting
96  Nepenthes (Pitcher plant) 196 Renewable Energy
221  Parts of Plant 12 Solar System
57  Plant Cell 20 Vitamins & Deficiency
58  Plant Cell Meiosis 17 Water Cycle