code no          ZOOLOGY CHARTS                        code no
68 Animal Cell 34 Human Liver
90 Animal Kingdom 208 Human Lymphatic system
19 Bacteria 97 Human Muscular system
202 Bacteria Flagellation & Rep 42 Human Nervous system
203 Beneficial Animals & Insects 40 Human Rep. system-Female
5 Birds 30 Human Rep. system-Male
193 Cattle Breeds 38 Human Respiratory system
198 Classification of Animals 220 Human Sense Organs
170 Cockroach Dorsal & Ventral View 35 Human Skeleton system
204 Compound & Electron Microscope 43 Human Skin
205 Earthworm & Its Anatomy 36 Human Teeth
67 Frog Digestive system 122 Human Tissue
66 Frog Urinogenital Male 99 Human Venous system
65 Frog Urinogenital Female 86 Life History of Butterfly
206 Fungi 22 Life History of Frog
207 Harmful Animals & Insects 95 Life History of Mosquito
121 Hen’s Egg (Structure) 79 Life History of Silkmoth
18 H.I.V. (Aids Virus) 11 Malaria Parasite
78 Homologus & Analogus in Animals 46 Nephrons
98 Human Arterial System 173 Neuron & its types
115 Human Blood 120 Paramecium & Euglena
171 Human Bones 3 Parts of Human Body
28 Human Brain 112  Pedigree Blood group & Widows peak
‘006 Human Chromosomes 114 Pedigree Haemo & Colour Blindness
29 Human Circulatory system 94 Pedigree Incomplete Dominance
37 Human Digestive system 113 Pedigree Myotonic & Tounge
31 Human Ear 209 Pigeon & Its Anatomy
218 Human Embryology 194  Poultry
39 Human Endocrine Gland 45 Structure of DNA
32 Human Eye 44 Structure of RNA
41 Human Heart Entire & L.S 47 Transfer RNA
33 Human Kidney ( Excretory) 210 Types of Eggs & Cleavage (Frog)
93 Virus
211 Viruses & Its Classification